Find Family in Japan!

Being away from family is difficult for anyone, but can be especially hard for someone just starting their career. Adjusting to a new culture, language, time zone and routine can be challenging.

We want to help.

A host family can provide guidance and support to help you navigate these challenges more smoothly.

  • Community and Social Connection

    Being far from home and loved ones can lead to homesickness and feelings of loneliness. A host family can offer emotional support, provide a sense of family, and reduce feelings of isolation.

  • Military Specific Understanding

    Misawa Air Base may have unique challenges related to the military mission and environment. A host family with experience at the base can offer an outlet, understanding, and a home away from home.

  • Support Network and Resources

    Having a host family can provide a reliable support network available in times of need. Whether it's offering advice, assistance, or a listening ear, a host family is a a valuable resource here to support you.